Monday, March 2, 2015

Lights ON

Sam came around (hindsight being 20/20, around the time where legal abortion was no longer a possibility), and was now all on board. He claimed it was a "knee-jerk" reaction. Sadly... it didn't take long for me to buy that. He was being Mr. Perfect all over again. He was once again, that guy that was awesome like in the very beginning. Attentive, compassionate, affectionate, patient, understanding... and then some. I forgave him... as forgiving as I am, I forgave him and hardly thought for a second that I could be making a mistake. He wanted to come home and sweep me away to the Bahamas and get married. And we did just that.

His family came down. His mom, baby sis HudPie, sis Kat, and sis Gigi. None of them liked me. The feeling was very mutual. I didn't like any of them from the day we met... heck, from how he spoke of them, I didn't like them before I even met them. Not even his mother. He wanted them there... I didn't. So they came. They were rude, loud, and inconsiderate of everyone else around them. They were just as hideous on the inside as they were out... yet they didn't even realize it. It was as though they thought they were like the Kardashians or something. Not even close.

The day before we got married, we went on a private boat ride with a local who took us to a small private island with a speed boat and jet ski. Gigi got tipsy and pulled me to the side to let me know that she was trying to love me but that she was having a hard time. Her reason was because, "I've been looking for a man like my brother all of my life and if I could marry him and have his babies, I would." The look on my face must have been priceless. When I told her that she was disturbing me on a number of levels, she then let me know that, "Oh habibti please. People did it all the time in the fourteenth century." Clearly we are not in the fourteenth century, and I was still very disturbed. She was drunk, but not quite drunk enough at that point to say something like that and not mean it.

Either way, we went back to the hotel and the next day we got married. We went into town and had dinner together and Sam and I danced to "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias. It took me back to when he would dance with me in the kitchen and sing to me. Not that he was a spectacular singer, because he wasn't, but it was just nice to have someone treat me that way. Those days were far gone and very fake. Happiness with Sam only revolved around him getting his way. In the beginning, he was simply just learning me and laying groundwork. Here I was, now his wife, and ten times more at his will.

He continued to treat me like a princess...

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